ECC 2015 rump session

The ECC 2015 rump session took place Monday 28 September 2015 from 19:30 to 20:30. Tanja Lange and Daniel J. Bernstein served as chairs.

Slides are now available from all presenters who agreed to have their slides officially online.

ECC 2015 rump session, Monday 28 September 2015
19:30Michiel Kosters, Christophe PetitChristophe PetitAlgebraic approach for elliptic curves over prime fields
19:35Binglong Chen and Chang-An ZhaoChang-An ZhaoAn improvement of the Elliptic Net algorithmslides
19:40Tung ChouTung ChouSandy2x: Fastest Curve25519 Implementation Everslides
19:45FPRJean-Pierre FloriAn ECG for Christmasslides
19:48Janusz Szmidt, Rafal GliwaJanusz SzmidtElliptic curves satisfying the Brainpool standard criteria and the twist security.slides
19:54Daniel J. Bernstein, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, and Tanja LangeChitchanok ChuengsatiansupNew Scalar Multiplication Speed Recordslides
20:01Nathan Evans, Bart Polot, Christian GrothoffChristian GrothoffHow big is my audience?slides
20:03BDFDFSJean-Pierre FloriComputing finite fields embeddings (using cats)slides
20:08Jérémie Detrey & Pierrick GaudryJérémie DetreyOpen post-doc position in the CARAMEL group (Nancy, France)slides
20:09Johannes Buchmann, Niklas Büscher, Florian Göpfert, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Juliane Krämer, Daniele Micciancio, Sander Siim, Christine van Vredendaal, Michael WalterJuliane KrämerThe LWE Challengeslides
20:14Four subsets of {Claus Diem,Domingo Gomez,Sebastian Kochinke}Claus DiemFour merged talks
20:23Huseyin HisilHuseyin HisilECC2016, Sep 5-7, 2016, Yasar University, Izmir, Turkeyslides

ECC 2015 rump session: Call for submissions (archived)

Do you have breaking news, progress reports, or other topics of interest to the ECC 2015 audience? Can you keep your talk short and entertaining? Fill out the submission form and ask for a talk slot!